3 ways to use video in your e-mail signiture, training and employee orientation

Over the past 10 years we’ve seen a lot of changes in the video industry. We’ve also seen some amazing ways to utilize video to market, promote, inform, train and distribute in your business. Here are just 3 great ways to use video in your business.

Email Signature Videos:

This is something we have been personally testing over the past 9 months. How many e-mails do you send every day? Why not put a video in your e-mail signature? That way everyone can see it. We put clickable icons, such as Twitter and Youtube, in our e-mail signature. We also put a link to a video. In the few months that we tested, in one of our e-mail signatures saw that around 250 people clicked on our social media links, but just over 2,000 people clicked on our link to the video. That’s about 8x the click throughs on the video link over the social media links! You can see how much more people want to see a video. Imagine if your company has 5-10 employees with the same clickable videos in their e-mail signatures! Multiply that times the amount of e-mails they send every day. It would maximize not only your video’s effectiveness, but it would also drive traffic to your website with every e-mail sent from your company. How many e-mails do you and everyone in your company send every day? Are they also a marketing tool for your business? They could be. Ask us how we can help you incorporate this into your next video with us.

Training Videos:

We’ve had a lot companies call us to film their training sessions. In fact, last month we were asked to film an all day training series which was broadcast live through online streaming. We also edited the videos together and delivered them in DVD and web formats so the company could put the training on their website as well as send out DVDs to all those that couldn’t attend the event. The cost for this was vastly more affordable since the attendees were from all over the world. There were several people watching online in other countries! Can you imagine paying for them to fly into town to attend the one day event? It was much cheaper to have us record the event.

We have also been asked to record live speaking engagements where we edit the videos and break them into 5-10 minute videos. They then perform what is called, “Drip Marketing”, where they release one video every week. It keeps people coming back to the website for more content and is a great way to build traffic to your website.

These are just two ways you can use training videos in your business to save money and generate traffic to your website. How can you use training videos in your business?

Employee Orientation Videos:

How many companies hire someone new, but then have a long and painful training process? Training manuals are boring and long orientation sessions can give a lack of results. Their can even be a lack of consistency in what is presented during the training. But video is the best way to have a consistent message for your new employees. Why not mix up the orientation by having some videos that introduce your company, message and key staff through engaging video segments? You can then use these videos for years and years to come. Are you looking at revamping your employee orientation with videos? We can help.

Video Pick of the Month: Harvard Business Channel

If you like videos that teach new ideas and practical ways to grow your business, than you’ll like this YouTube channel.

“Harvard Business School’s YouTube channel showcases “ideacasts” that focus on “practical insights, tools and resources.” The web-show offers interviews with prominent Harvard professors, authors, and business leaders who speak to issues in markets large and small.”

Web Pick of the Month: PDF converter

How many times have you wanted to convert your Word document to a PDF.  Or, do you need to convert a PDF to a Word document to edit?  I need this functionality every week.  Check out this service that converts these formats.

Our Latest e-Books

73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video. In this eBook you’ll learn about the best tips to use that will help you best market, sell and teach.