PicsMatch Contest Winners

Exit Row Productions entered a national viral video contest a few months ago and was a top winner with 3 top videos!

PicsMatch is a facial recognition software that wanted to market itself in a new way. In stead of putting their money into print and television, they decided to let people make videos promoting the product. One of the guidelines was to make the videos in a low tech way without lighting, multiple cameras and paid actors. This project let us use our creativity without having to spend a lot of money. The contest was held on Youtube for 2 months. The top 10 videos with the most views were determined the winners. Our videos were the top 3 videos with the most views in the entire contest. Exit Row Productions was honored at the Film Dayton event on May, 15th. This was a lot of fun and we are excited to use the software to help tag, edit and publish our pictures.

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