Promo Video for University of New Haven, Welcome to College and MARV

This past summer, Jeff Long was asked to speak in a panel discussion at the Film Dayton event.  He spoke about video production, web design and entrepreneurship.  Also on that panel was Justin Bayer, who founded the company, Welcome To College.  Welcome To College helps high school students track their college visits in a simple interface where they can record their thoughts, likes and dislikes about each perspective college or university. As a part of what they offer, Welcome To College retrofitted a 70’s van called MARV (Mobile Automated Research Vehicle) to help bring a fun way for students to learn and engage with each school.  Justin and have been featured in Fast Company and at South by Southwest for it’s innovative process. They are based in Dayton, Ohio, but travel all across the country helping students and colleges with the recruitment process.

Exit Row Productions was asked to create a promo video on-site at the University of New Haven in Connecticut, which had an open house for high school students.  There were over 2,000 people in attendance to learn of what “UNH” offered to their college students.  It was filled with campus tours, Q&A sessions and brought MARV to help aid in the college exportation process.   MARV was a runaway succes and added some fun, prizes and smiles for all involved. We love to produce videos here in Southwest Ohio, but also jump at the chance to travel across the country whenever we get the chance.

Some of our equipement included a HDSLR, , Glidecam, HD video camera, jib, slider, and other “toys”. The editing process included reviewing hours of footage (from the whole day), interviews, campus tour footage, shots of people’s interaction with MARV as well as other footage. It had to be edited down into a short promo video that highlighted both the University of New Haven and also the Welcome To College experience with MARV. Their was even some special effects done in the post-production phased used to showcase MARV’s video screen. Overall, we had a blast filming this event and making a promo video!

If you are unclear about what MARV is, or does, check out this video of what occurred that day at the UNH campus.

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