Are you putting videos on these places on your website?

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Are you looking to increase your sales, grow your leads and boost your SEO? You can do all of that by leveraging the power of videos. And the more videos you have, the better results you’ll get. But it can be hard to know where all to put these videos.

Videos attract 300% more traffic and help to nurture leads.

Each video should go on as many pages as possible, including:


      • Dedicated landing pages

      • Promo pages

      • Home page

      • Sidebar

      • Blog page

      • Resource pages

      • Video library page

      • FAQ page

      • Distributer pages

    The more videos you have, the wider net you can cast. Adding videos to your website can boost your conversion rate by to 80%! So create product specific landing pages with information, spec sheets, a lead magnet and video content.

    By using video and incorporating heavily searched-for words and phrases, interested buyers will find your site more easily, thus increasing the number of leads and sales. This ability to tap into new markets is invaluable to any business as it has a positive impact on both sales and overall branding. After all, this really is the main goal of marketing, right?

    Industry Specific Videos

    An effective video marketing strategy is to create industry specific web pages with industry specific videos. Don’t have a general video that’s too bland for any specific industry. A specific video should talk directly to one industry and highlight the problems they have and the solutions you offer.

    Also answer the specific questions they have based on their industry needs, jargon, etc. Just think how many videos you can create just geared towards each industry you target?

    72% of consumers prefer learning about a product or service through video.

    Download the guide on The Top 10 Videos You Should Use In Each Step of the Sales Process.

    User Persona Videos

    You can also create personal specific web pages. A user persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. Each of these has detailed information about their struggles, needs, buying patterns, budget and more. Create a web page for each persona and talk to them directly.

    By talking directly to each Persona, they will know that your products and services are geared specifically to their needs. We recommend create several 1-3 minute videos for each persona that address questions, problems/solutions, and how your products/services help them meet their objectives.


    As a buyer goes through the journey from stranger to customer, they want more information. Half of buyers will watch around 30 minutes of video content before making a buying decision. So the closer they are to making a purchase, the more helpful videos they want to watch. Think about creating webinars for your top products and services.

    We recommend they should be about 30 minutes long. You don’t have to create 60+ minute webinars because people are busy and they want your best information without all the fluff. We have a webinar strategy and template on how to create effective webinars without spending a lot of time creating them.

    We offer service to host the webinars and can offer them “on-demand” so a customer can come to your website at any time and sign up for an “upcoming” webinar. That way they can take it at their convenience.

    Another strategy is that if you want to offer them live then you can offer webinars on the same day each week.

    Download the guide on The Top 10 Videos You Should Use In Each Step of the Sales Process.

    Lead Magnet Promo Video

    Have a short video that promotes an eBook, spec sheet, download, video course, etc. It should be so helpful that the viewer will want to give you their name and email address in exchange for the download.

    Product Promo Videos

    Lastly, to build trust, get more leads and boost your SEO, we recommend creating product promo videos for each of your main products and services. A simple template you can use in your videos it to begin the video by describing a common problem that users face and unraveling it, before presenting your product or service as a potential solution. Make sure to speak to your audience And not just brag about your company, how long you’ve been in business, etc. Make it all about them.  

    Using video can boost conversion rates by up to 80%.

    Do you have a video marketing strategy? If not, you can download our free report on the top 10 videos you should be using in every step in the sales process.

    Download the guide on The Top 10 Videos You Should Use In Each Step of the Sales Process.

    True Focus Media eBook cover titled 'Does Your Website Have These 10 Features?'

    Our Latest e-Books

    73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video. In this eBook you’ll learn about the best tips to use that will help you best market, sell and teach.

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    The Top 10 Videos You Should Use In Each Step of the Sales Process.

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