Boosting Your Marketing Efforts w/ Video Value Bombs w/ Jeff Long

Content marketing is key in manufacturing, but video content is king.

Let’s be honest, not everyone will sit down to read in-depth articles on a topic. They just don’t have the time.

But a short video? Everyone has time for that.

Jeff Long, Founder of True Focus Media, joins me to talk about why video content is an ideal way to showcase your expertise, demonstrate your products, increase leads and sales, and boost your SEO.

In this episode, we discuss:

– Why teaching is an underutilized marketing and sales strategy

– A 3-step process for creating “video value bombs”

– When to use professional videography and when to do it yourself

– What tools to use and other pro tips

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True Focus Media eBook cover titled 'Does Your Website Have These 10 Features?'

Our Latest e-Books

73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video. In this eBook you’ll learn about the best tips to use that will help you best market, sell and teach.