Camera shy? 7 tips on how to get over it

At one of our video shoots we were prepping the person who was to be on camera. We started by asking his name so we could use it on the video graphics. He was so nervous that he misspelled his own name! While he was on the more extreme side of being nervous on camera, it’s normal to feel uneasy or nervous in front of a video camera. Perhaps you were delegated to be your company’s spokesperson or you have a script that you have to memorize for the company promo video. We produce a lot of videos and work with a lot of normal people who have to appear on camera and these are some tips that we share with them.

Peekaboo Lili Vieira de Carvalho via Compfight

7 tips on how to overcome being camera shy

#1 It’s normal: Most people that aren’t actors find being in front of a video camera quite intimidating. We’ve noticed that some people see the red blinking record light and start to get nervous. Don’t worry…it’s completely normal to feel uneasy in the process.

#2 Practice makes perfect: Whether you have a script, bullet points, or just a general idea of what you want to say, make sure to practice. Practice in front of your family, your coworkers and the mirror. It’s better to mess up in front of them so you can look fantastic on camera. Make it a goal to go practice at least 10 times.

#3 Write a script: Whether you use a script for the video or not, it’s good to write out your thoughts on paper or in a Word document. This will get your mind focused on what exactly you want to say on camera. Once you do this, try to whittle it down into the main bullet points. It’s a lot easier to talk with bullet points then trying to memorize or remember each word that you wrote down.

#4 Get the idea not every word right: In some of our corporate videos there is a script that has to be said word for word. But in other videos, the passion and excitement is more important. For videos where you don’t have to stick to every word of the script, look at your script and bullet points and then talk from your heart. You’ll be surprised at how your knowledge and experience will shine through!

#5 Smile: The more you smile, the more you will relax and seem natural on camera. While it may not seem easy at first, try relaxing and thinking of something funny or pleasant.

#6 Get Comfy: One of the best tricks to getting comfortable on camera is to wear clothes that are comfortable and make you feel at ease. While this is an easy solution, it’s something that is overlooked. Pick something that you feel confident wearing. Or pick clothing that brings back good memories.

#7 Be yourself:  The more natural you feel, the better you will look on camera. This may include using your hands when you talk (if that’s natural), standing when you talk (rather than sitting) or holding a pen in your hand.

These 7 tips will get you started on the right path to overcoming being camera shy. We offer other ideas while on set as well as teleprompter service in the Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus , Ohio and Miamivalley area.

Do want to watch a video on this same topic? Check out, How to Not Be Shy on Camera

Or, would you rather listen to audio on this same topic, then check out, “7 Tips on How to Overcome Being Camera Shy on Video”

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