How Your Sales Team Can Use Videos

Did you know that 53% of manufacturers have seen a decline in trade show leads over the last few years? Most of them have turned to other forms of media in their pursuit of information. The best tool to use is video.

Videos have become an essential part of the sales process. These visual aids help present ideas and deliver messages that a catalog, brochure or even website just can’t do as well. Best of all, these can be accessed from the comfort of your own office, couch, or phone!

Times are changing so it’s important to keep up! Learn some helpful tips on how you can further maximize this medium.

Tip 1: Utilize the Power of Tablets

When your sales representatives are out meeting potential clients, utilizing product videos is an effective way of increasing engagement. Downloading these files onto a tablet will give you access them anytime or anywhere. This way they don’t have to download or stream the videos, but can pull them right up.

Asking your reps to incorporate sales videos into their pitches should also enhance what it is they are saying. Customers won’t just be well-informed, but highly engaged as well.

Tip 2: Create Shorter Videos

Remember those old Choose-Your-Adventure books where the reader decides how the story ends? Sales videos can work the same way, too!

So instead of producing one really long video, cut them up into bite-sized segments. Shorter videos are much easier to show and talk about because the information is digested quicker. Customers can also skip those parts they aren’t interested in and focus on portions they are. As a result, your salespeople can more easily identify the client’s needs and better sell your product or service, resulting in increased sales for the company.

Tip 3: Join Social Media Groups Where Your Customers Are

Social media is an area you need to have a strong presence. Right now, many users use this tool to widen their reach.

One potential method is by joining groups affiliated with your product or service. Being in this circle instantly gives you a captive audience with whom to share videos and reach out to. Go ahead, also, and interact with every potential client. Answer their questions, establish rapport, and slowly strengthen your collection of contacts. Once you’ve created this familiarity, your company will be the first one they call when the need arises.

Tip 4: Interact With Your Customers on LinkedIn

Another place we recommend investing in is LinkedIn, which holds a lot of potential for network building. While the value of spending time and money at trade shows is still up for debate, quite a number of your target audience can be found in LinkedIn Groups. These circles are a powerful way to get involved with your ideal customers.

Just remember that your primary purpose should always be to add value. Don’t just post sales videos and links to your articles. Make sure your content is helpful, educational and non-sales related. The purpose should be to build awareness, credibility, and authority first. Not ask for a sale. Once your network is strong enough, interested clients and even referrals should begin flowing, resulting in heightened business for you.

Tip 5: Show Sincerity and Concern with Your Customers

Finally, when deciding what videos to create, find topics that pertain to your expertise and post a video specifically about the topic that someone else posts about. Even something short recorded straight from your mobile phone will do.

The principle idea behind this isn’t just to share information but to help out. When your customers see this from you, it’ll show them that you really care and want to make a personal connection. Make this a habit among your sales team and they should foster longer-lasting relationships with their clientele.

These 5 tips are only a small chunk in a uniquely automated video marketing strategy that gets leads, and part of the strategy is to distribute the videos to up to 40 places. Ever since we’ve found that many industrial manufacturing companies aren’t making videos that bring them leads and sales, we’ve made it our mission to help them and place these in enough places to get good results.

If you’re interested to learn more, check out the resource below on the 3 videos your sales team needs to be more efficient.

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