Kroger TV hires Exit Row Productions for heavy work load

Kroger TV uses Exit Row Productions for editing workload

We all know Kroger as the best grocery store in town (and the country!) but did you know Kroger has a television department?  Each region has its own internal television department that handles training, promotions and news updates that is sent out to their employees each week.  They do an amazing job of speed and quality with all of the video projects that go through this studio on a weekly basis.

Because of the high work load in August and September, Kroger TV contacted Exit Row Productions to come into the studio in Cincinnati to work for 7 days on editing several video projects.  Last year Exit Row Productions also did some work with Kroger TV and they asked us back for more this year.  Projects ranged from promotional content to several training series that had a tight deadline that need to be started and completed.

The station manager had this to say about the services that Jeff Long provided while there.

I am grateful for Jeff’s help.  I really like the way he is able to pick up on a project and, from a mere description, take it through to completion.

If Kroger TV uses Exit Row Productions for their editing and video needs, than imagine how much we can help you.  Exit Row Productions specializes in taking projects from concept to completion and can also handle the distribution, social media marketing, and even website creation to display your new videos.  Give us a call to see how we can help you.

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