Living Beyond Awesome

Jen McDonough hired me for several projects including revamping her popular blog,   She then set her sites on a new website where she wanted to sell her book, blog about her experiences and promote herself.  We worked together on the layout, color scheme, header and graphic.
I created a system where interested persons can download the first few chapters of her book.  These email addresses would automatically be added to a database where she can keep in contact with these people.   We also developed an affiliated system.

Solutions Needed:

  • e-commerce integration
  • Free chapter download and sign-up
  • Creating book discounts
  • Developing an affiliate system

True Focus Media eBook cover titled 'Does Your Website Have These 10 Features?'

Our Latest e-Books

73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video. In this eBook you’ll learn about the best tips to use that will help you best market, sell and teach.