Make Me a Viral Video!
That statement in and of itself is controversial. Not only can you not make a viral video, you might not be able to make a video viral. It seems as though everyone wants to have a “viral video” these days. That is well and good, however you cannot create a “viral video”. Wikipedia defines a viral video as one “that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites and email.” Now let me explain how you can do this. You must first make a video that is full of great content. Whether that content is funny, interesting, educational, or just crazy is up to you. Once a video is created than you can attempt to make the video viral. The key word there is “attempt”. The bottom line is that if no one wants to watch your video, than it will not go viral.
There are some things to consider when attempting to make a video that can go viral. As a business you must first consider what the goal of your video is. There are several questions to ask yourself:
– Who do you want to watch your video?
– What kind of people do you want watching your video?
– How many people do you want watching your video?
It is important to answer these questions before you go producing a video. If you do not care who sees your video, and you just want as many views as possible than your content could be wide open. If you want to market the video to your industry than the content will need to be slanted towards that particular industry. So while there is no way to make a “viral video” there is a way to make a video that has a good chance of going viral.
The key to producing a video that has the best chance of going viral is, like I mentioned before, great content and also a distribution strategy after the video has been produced. The video must be a video that people will be inclined to watch. It is critical for someone who specializes in video to create a video that they know people will watch. Ideas sound good in a board room, but we are talking about internet viewers here. People are impatient and very critical of online content. There is so much out there, so you must find a way for yours to stand out. Also, it is extremely important for someone who is knowledgeable of social media to spread your idea. Once the video is online, it must spread, and one of the best ways to do that is by using a company who understands how social media works. Exit Row Productions are specialists in both content creation and video distribution online. We would love to help you create videos that go viral.
Videos of the Month:
Web Pick of the Month:
Merry Christmas!