New Medical eLearning Project

I love teaching and training. It might be because my parents are both college professors. Teaching and training has been in our DNA since we started our company. I’ve done training projects with Lowe’s, live training seminars and online learning portals and enjoy them all.

We are excited to announce a new project where we’re working with a medical training company. They been teaching and training nurses and nursing students for decades and are well respected in their field.  We’ll be helping this company with the following:

  • record their seminars and editing them into short videos that are easy to watch
  • creating a website to market the video training courses offered
  • developing an eLearning portal where medical students and nurses can get video training
  • Helping them with a comprehensive marketing strategy to spread the word about this training

On-demand video training is vital as nurses are busier than ever and logging in to get high quality video training for their CE classes will be a great tool for them. We’ll keep you posted over the next few months as we build the website, edit the videos, develop the online learning portal and begin the marketing efforts. This project is something we’re very passionate and love teaching, training and online education projects.

True Focus Media eBook cover titled 'Does Your Website Have These 10 Features?'

Our Latest e-Books

73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video. In this eBook you’ll learn about the best tips to use that will help you best market, sell and teach.