Videos are everywhere. You can’t go throughout your day without seeing a video online, on tv (isn’t that obvious?!?), in the waiting room at the doctor, the car dealership and just about everywhere else you go. But did you know that on YouTube alone, “Over 2 billion videos are viewed every day“? That’s EVERY DAY…2 Billion. Think about it. That’s a LOT of videos…and that’s just on YouTube alone.
If 2 BILLION videos are viewed every day, are people viewing your video? Do you have a video? If you don’t have a video, why not? You’re missing out on a huge opportunity to share your story of your product or service. Chances are that your competitors have videos of their products and services. You could share video testimonials, live events, training, marketing, promotional pieces and so much more. Let Exit Row Productions help create a video strategy to help your company be a part of those 2 billion videos watched on YouTube. We work with companies and organizations locally in Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati but also work with companies around the country and beyond. We’d love to help and won’t push anything on you…we promise.