Promo Video for Dayton Law Organizations – Advocates for Basic Legal Equality and Legal Aid of Western Ohio

We love helping people and occasionally get the opportunity to create videos for organizations that are doing great work.  Throughout the years we have produced videos for law firms such as, Roberson Law, based in Kettering, Ohio, and Kollin and Wilkins which also serve the greater Dayton area, so we are familiar with the needs of local legal firms.  We worked closely with two partner organizations to create a promo video that would be shown at the annual gala event for the Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE) and Legal Aid of Western Ohio (LAWO).  They are both located in the Dayton, Ohio area, but also serve the Miami Valley, Southwest Ohio, Toledo and beyond.  Both organizations serve those in the community that don’t have money or the means for legal representation.

The Video Production Process for this Dayton Law Video

The timeline for this project required that we move fast in the pre-production phase in order to film and edit the video in time for the annual gala, which was quickly approaching.  The purpose of the video was to show the services that these two organizations provide.  We interviewed the Honorable Walter H. Rice on his view of how ABLE and LAWO serve the community and a board member who emotionally shared the importance of the services that ABLE and LAWO provide.  We were also blessed to be able to interview a client who had used the services of ABLE and LAWO and heard her share the vital importance to have legal representation while she was at a needy point in her life.  She shared how blessed and encouraged she was by having these legal services for her needs, even though she didn’t have the money to pay for them.

We were able to film and post-produce the video in time for the annual gala, which was held at the Schuster Center.  There were several hundred people in attendance, most of whom were lawyers, legal professionals or a part of the organizations.  Exit Row Productions was a featured sponsor which included being promoted on stage, in the program, on-screen and throughout the event.  It was humbling and exciting to watch the response of the crowd as they watched the video that we had produced.  You can view it below.

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