What Gamification is and how to use it in your business

I write and speak a lot about eLearning and Online Training. One of the things I recommend to companies that are considering eLearning projects is to use “Gamification”. Most people have never heard of this term, and yet we use it a lot in our lives. When we were kids we all played games with everyday life, like the first one to touch the car gets to sit where they want. We never grow out of wanting to use games in our daily lives and Gamification is a vastly growing technique. In fact, you see it at restaurants, sports games, on your smartphone, and many more places.

Many companies train their employees and/or customers but have you thought about how to make it fun and may a little competitive? We all like to be challenged to win a prize, badge or some other recognition. You may think your business is the last place that would be appropriate for playing any type of games, but did you know “Gamification” leads to effectiveness and participation? And who would turn that down?

The article below will give you a start on what Gamification is and why it’s important.

Here are 30 Facts about Gamification in eLearning

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