What types of videos should manufacturers put on their website?

We all know how important video content is for manufacturers.

Videos tell a story, demonstrate your products, and showcase your expertise.

But it can be hard knowing what content to create.

You should put your videos everywhere your ideal customers are (social media, YouTube, etc).

One approach is to share your videos wherever your potential customers are, whether it’s on social media platforms or YouTube. However, it is also essential to post your content on your website, regardless of the size of your company. Employee-driven content created on smartphones is authentic and highlights the expertise of the individuals featured in the video. Sometimes, authenticity is better than perfect video content.

If you’re looking to make your website more video-focused, here are some great ideas for video content that can help improve your website.

Want to Improve Your Website? Use These Videos.

True Focus Media eBook cover titled 'Does Your Website Have These 10 Features?'

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