Why PDFs hurt your website. Part 3: Navigation

Manufacturers have a LOT of great content. But not all of it is formatted in the best way for smartphones, SEO, and usability.

So I created a short, 3-part video series on this problem. This video is the 3rd in the series. Check out the links in the comments for the other 2 short videos.

Putting too many PDFs on your website can hurt your SEO, be hard for your customers to see the information on their phones and it can be hard for some people to figure out the navigation back to your website.

What happens when someone goes to your website on their phone and they click on a PDF? Do they have to pinch and zoom (usually they do)? How do they go BACK to your website?

Most people know to hit the back button, but what if they don’t? Or what if they get a call, text or notification and don’t ever go back to your website? You could lose a lead, inquiry, or sale.

I totally understand how easy it is to put all of your white papers, spec sheets, data sheets, and more into PDFs but if it’s not customer-centric and doing more damage than good, then it’s time to revisit this common practice.

Make sure to check out the other 2 videos in the series. The links are in the comments below.

True Focus Media eBook cover titled 'Does Your Website Have These 10 Features?'

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