Lead Magnet Promo Video Have a short video that promotes an eBook, spec sheet, download, video course, etc….
36% of people watched 5 or more product videos online
A recent study was done by the e-tailing group and found that video is driving research of online products….
Retailers’ use of online video is increasing
Over the past few months, research has shown that consumers are watching and even expecting to watch online…
YouTube’s Mobile site gets over 100 million views per day!
How many views per day does your mobile site get? YouTube recently announced some stats from their hugely…
The base age demographic for YouTube is 18-54
Most people think that the average video on YouTube is put up by a 15 year old and…
Over 2 billion videos are viewed every day
Videos are everywhere. You can’t go throughout your day without seeing a video online, on tv (isn’t that…